Fabulous bike that does the lot, and these are just so cheap for what they are. Took in against my 1244 Daytona special, and instead of just passing it along have kept it for a bit, as is so nice to ride. Don't be put off by the mileage, the bike is near mint, and has been maintained spot on. Loads of old MOTs and service receipts. Original books and keys etc. Very genuine bike. Recent battery and chain and tyres, so nothing to spend. Starts very crisp and rides faultless. Have a video, but colour looks horrid in it. Is in fact really nice sort of browny/bronzy/red. Can come to Leominster station and ride home, collect with van or trailer, or can get pro delivered most places for just 100. Bit more to Highlands etc. Paypal only for a 100 deposit. Balance in cash or bank transfer. Reluctant sale but have way too many bikes and projects on with mainl 900/1200/1000 Hinkleys so need space. Check 955 Daytona as well. Both well sorted bikes............