BSA A7 Shooting Star 1959 500cc
This bike has been owned by my brother in law for over 44 years. The bike was rebuilt in 2004 and has been used weekly. It runs well and is a pleasure to ride. The bike has been several different colours over the years but has been restored to its original cover. The chrome work was re-plated in 2004 and is showing signs of pitting. The paint has a few chips and scratches. The mileage shown is correct. The original registration mark was changed and now displays another age related plate. The vehicle was manufactured in 1959, the V5 document states this but shows the vehicle as being first registered in 1984 which is when the V5 was re registered due to the original being lost. Can be viewed almost any time. I'm selling this for my brother in law, I know very little about bikes, so if you contact me I can try and answer your questions or relay them onto my brother. Payment by cash.