Here is my R1200ST. This bike is absolutely mint. Its 1 previous owner spent thousands in the time he owned it, and he covered 100195 miles in the 9 years he had it, There is a folder full of documents and receipts, and no expense was spared it keeping this bike so clean and tidy. It runs so sweet, and the gearbox is ultra smooth. If you did know the mileage, you would thinks its only done 10000 miles. The bike is a really fun ride, and the handling is fantastic. Its at home on the motorway or the backroads. Absolutely any inspection is more than welcome. Why am I selling? Well my wife has always had no problem on the bikes I have owned. Unfortunately, though, she is no so happy on this. As there is no top box, she finds it bit to scary. She will to go to Italy with me on this bike. So I am looking for an RT or LT, or FJR or similar to replace it. Any swap considered, as per ebay you buy mine, I buy yours. Thanks for looking