This bike ran well when it was last on the road. It has been dry stored for a number of years in the hope of getting it back on the road. I need the space for other projects, so it has to go. It is offered for spares or repair, and the buyer will have to collect.
Selling my second FZ750IT HAS BEEN LOWERED.I'M 5'3" AND IT'S COMFORTABLE FOR ME.I bought it because it was exactly the way I wanted my first one to look and would save me a whole heap of work.Unfortunately, the ridiculously stiff suspension and top end tuning make it a difficult
Yamaha FZ750 Genesis 1985 (Import/ believed to be from Japan) Good Original condition for year. Starts and runs well.Tyres / chain and sprockets good. 4 into 1 exhaust system.Mileage in Kilometres.Lowers sides of top fairing damaged/repaired - see photos.Screen has small crack in
Yamaha FZ750 Genesis 1985 (Import/ believed to be from Japan) Good Original condition for year. Starts and runs well.Tyres / chain and sprockets good. 4 into 1 exhaust system.Mileage in Kilometres.Lowers sides of top fairing damaged/repaired - see photos.Screen has small crack in